No one's too small

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Fellowship

THE FELLOWSHIP is the nine who set out to save Middle Earth. It consists of Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Gandalf, Pippin, Merry, Legolas, Gimmle, Boorimer. With out any of these characters the fellowship would have failed.

Frodo the one the quest depends on. He is not just a short brown haired hobbit. Middle Earth depended on him, the weight of the world was on his shoulders, and he had the one ring through many trials.

Sam the person who supported Frodo through the journey. Just a gardener at first glance but don't under estimate him. He his determined and dedicated to his purpose and nothing will get in his way. (Not even a cave troll.)

Aragorn the king of all men, Favored by elves, Loved by many, and in the blood line of Arenor. He was in exile for many years as just a ranger. Finally excepting his duties he leads the battle for Middle Earth.

Gandalf who has been around for many years and been protecting Middle Earth. At the beginning of the journey he starts as the grey wizard. He is the one who starts Frodo on his journey to save all of mankind, dwarfkind, hobbitkind, and every other kind for that matter. Gandalf after death becomes the all powerful white wizard.

Pippin is the fool of the Took and the stupid one of the group. I like to think of him as comic relief. I think he was able to live because of dumb luck.

Merry the courageous. He is the one who convinced the Ents to march against Sauramon. Along the trip he ends up in Rohan and finally he charges at the battle of Ministarath.

Also he is responsible for the destruction of the Witch King.

Legolas is not just your typical twenty-two thousand year old elf, he is the prince of Mirkwood. Legolas is renown for his skill with the bow. He and Gimmle break the curse that is layed on the Dwarfs and Elves, that the two kinds are to hate each other.

Gimmle is a strong willed Dwarf. He and Legolas are always in compition, from Helm's Deep all the way to Ministirath. He comes from the Mines of Moria. Gimmle cant be stopped very easily.

First Journeys

This is the begining of many talks about the Lord of the Rings. We will talk about characters, the books, movies, and much more. I will be looking for your comments and input. Thank you for looking at my blog.